Fokker 100joined the fleet of Iranian Naft Airlines
The third passenger carrying airplane Fokker 100 , named MIS ( Masjid-i-Soleyman ) joined the fleet of Iranian Naft Airlines during a ceremony held in Ahwaz. In this ceremony , Managing director of Iranian Naft Airlines said : by jointing of this airplane , having been purchased from a valid European Airline , total capacity of seats of this Co. was increased to 520 seats. Captain Hossein ( Shahriar ) Talebzadeh added : according to the predictions made , this Co. had planned within three years to purchase four advanced western passenger carrying airplanes. Upon continous efforts of authorities of this Co. , by lapse of 18 months , 3 Fokker 100 airplanes were purchased and added to fleet of Iranian Naft Airlines.
He stated : another Fokker 100 airplane has been purchased by this Co. which will join according to the program the fleet of Iranian Naft Airlines in December 2009 , so the seats of airplanes of this Co. will increase to 620.managing director of Iranian Naft Airlines added : at present , this Co. performs flights in all the regions where Oil Co. makes activities and there are airports.
Capitan Talebzadeh named this Co. one of the safest domestic airlines enjoying 82 years of records and added : this Co. has had no air casualty during its continuous activities which shows the high safety of passenger airlines of this Co.
news date: 2010/08/30